• ensure public safety and interest | |
लोक: folks region Commons mankind world public | |
लोक सुरक्षा: public safety public security लोक folks | |
सुरक्षा: safeguard conservation assuredness keeping | |
और: More yet too much further else also and | |
लोक: folks region Commons mankind world public | |
लोक हित: public interest लोक folks region Commons | |
हित: behoof liking well-being well cause welfare weal | |
सुनिश्चित: categorical ensure well defined assured explicit | |
सुनिश्चित करना: assurer secure ascertain ensure make sure seal | |
करना: transaction commission advertising commence | |
लोक सुरक्षा और लोक हित सुनिश्चित करना अंग्रेज़ी में
[ lok suraksa aur lok hit sunishcit karana ]